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苹果手机怎么安装谷歌三件套- 狗急加速器

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Three dune areas have to be crossed on the way through the Sahara. Where the bike can no longer drive there is a change to camels.

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The river oases of Tafilatet extend over an area the size of Berlin. A labyrinth of single trails is used by the local population to reach the individual parcels.

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Over a length of 200 km, the Qued Rhiris has washed a labyrinth of deep ditches into the desert. Large parts of the route lead through this fascinating landscape.

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Navigation with GPS or mobile navigation app. A GPS track specifies a recommended route. Within a corridor there is a free choice of route. The corridor is monitored by a satellite tracker.

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Normal E-Mountinbike. Plus tires and second battery is recommended but not mandatory.

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The accommodation takes place in hotels and desert camps. There you can also charge the batteries at the socket or generator. For the desert camps a warm sleeping bag is necessary.


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